This is often referred to as “Psychological acupressure“. The technique works by releasing blockages within the energy system which are the source of emotional intensity and discomfort often causing pain and other symptoms. EFT often works where nothing else does.
A video on EFT
An EFT Introductory Guide by Marc Hammond
It is usually rapid, long lasting and gentle. EFT doesn’t use drugs. It is easily learned by young and old alike. EFT is self-empowering—you can do it for yourself, by yourself, anytime, anyplace and anywhere. EFT has been known to work in conjunction with other treatment modalities on many different issues.
It is effective and safe in the treatment of: pain, fears and phobias, headaches, claustrophobia, agoraphobia, panic and anxiety, fear of flying, asthma, trauma, weight loss, smoking, anger issues, neuropathy are amongst a long list of issues that can be assisted by using EFT.
Marc is able to conduct either face to face EFT sessions, or Skype sessions.
Please fill out the EFT Intake form prior to our first appointment.
The first 15 minutes on the first skype call are free, thereafter the cost will be $40 per ½ hour.
Would you like to make a booking? or find out more?
Call Marc on 0423 022 198